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Randall's Humor List

For almost a decade, Randall's Humor Mailing List was hosted by JimPrice.Com. In this age of spam and other undesired e-mail, we've had to curtail the service, but coming soon, we'll bring you an archive of some of the best jokes that Randall has sent around.

Some other places to find humor on the net:

TaglinesGalore.Com - Great e-mail taglines.
Rec.Humor.Funny - The net's oldest humor source.
Humor Links - From The Link Farm
Musician Jokes - From SuperDigital.Com
Random Technology Phrase Generator - Stuck for something to say? Try this!

Tip This page and its contents, copyright © 1996-2010, JimPrice.Com. Here's a link to our privacy statement. If you have any questions about this page, please drop me a line (e-mail address should be obvious to all but SPAM-bots).

This site last updated 5/24/2010.